Pragmatic and open science-based solution to a current problem in the reporting of living systematic reviewsMaria-Inti Metzendorf, Stephanie Weibel, Stefanie Reis, Steve McDonald
9 November 2022
Responsible dissemination of health and medical research: some guidance pointsRaffaella Ravinetto, Jerome Amir Singh
2 September 2022
The complexity underlying treatment rankings: how to use them and what to look atVirginia Chiocchia, Ian R. White, Georgia Salanti
2 May 2022
Problem-based shared decision-making in diabetes care: a secondary analysis of video-recorded encountersMerel M Ruissen, Victor M Montori, Ian G Hargraves, Megan E Branda, Montserrat León García, Eelco JP de Koning, Marleen Kunneman
2 March 2023
Using individual participant data to improve network meta-analysis projectsRichard D Riley, Sofia Dias, Sarah Donegan, Jayne F Tierney, Lesley A Stewart, Orestis Efthimiou, David M Phillippo
10 August 2022
An opportunity for evidence-based care of individuals with monkeypoxManuel Donato, Ariel Izcovich, Fernando Tortosa, Martin Alberto Ragusa, Carla Saenz, Ludovic Reveiz
2 December 2022
In-person schooling is essential even during periods of high transmission of COVID-19Alasdair Munro, Danilo Buonsenso, Sebastián González-Dambrauskas, Robert C Hughes, Sunil S Bhopal, Pablo Vásquez-Hoyos, Muge Cevik, Maria Lucia Mesa Rubio, Damian Roland
17 April 2023
Using a journal club to navigate a maze of COVID-19 papers in a front-line hospital serviceRachel Wenke, Paulina Stehlik, John Gerrard, Sharon Mickan, David Henry
19 January 2023
The Pandora’s Box of Evidence Synthesis and the case for a living Evidence Synthesis TaxonomyZachary Munn, Danielle Pollock, Timothy Hugh Barker, Jennifer Stone, Cindy Stern, Edoardo Aromataris, Holger J Schünemann, Barbara Clyne, Hanan Khalil, Reem A Mustafa, Christina Godfrey, Andrew Booth, Andrea C Tricco, Alan Pearson
14 October 2022
Good or best practice statements: proposal for the operationalisation and implementation of GRADE guidanceOmar Dewidar, Tamara Lotfi, Miranda W Langendam, Elena Parmelli, Zuleika Saz Parkinson, Karla Solo, Derek K Chu, Joseph L Mathew, Elie A Akl, Romina Brignardello-Petersen, Reem A Mustafa, Lorenzo Moja, Alfonso Iorio, Yuan Chi, Carlos Canelo-AybarSee the full list of authors
15 April 2022